I would appreciate it if you would read this page before contacting me.
All sessions are kept confidential according to the ICF and BCC ethical codes.
Q1 What is the difference between a Life Coach and Therapist?
Mostly, a therapist will find out why you are here.
A life coach is focused on how to get from here to there.
Q2 What is the benefit to having a coaching session?
Often many problems from long ago are left unsolved by not properly facing them. By talking to someone with a listening ear to find the key words that you speak, all while voicing your story, things come together in your head and you start seeing things you didn’t realize were there. When this happens, a new path opens up.
Q3 Who can receive this service?
Your age or gender doesn’t matter, as long as you can communicate in English or Japanese.
You can contact me from anywhere in the world, we’ll find a good time for both of us.
Q4 Is there a person who is not fit for coaching?
Coaching works for people who want to change their life. Otherwise, it is meaningless.
Q5 How do you coach?
All sessions are done by phone. If you prefer Skype, FaceTime, etc., please let me know.
First, I’ll ask you to briefly tell me your story, and find out whether you feel comfortable opening up to me or not. At the same time, I’ll assess whether I’ll be a good person to coach you. Then, we’ll schedule the intake session and talk about the method of payment in a 20-minute free consultation.
After the intake session, we’ll discuss whether you would like to work on your own or have a follow-up session.
I strongly recommend that you have a short follow-up session to help establish a new lifestyle or way of thinking. The length of follow-up sessions and the amount of time between them will vary depending on what you want to achieve.
Sometimes your problem can be solved by being heard, getting a little push on the back to know your idea is not wrong, or by encouragement. I can be your support system, and it can be a one-time session, too.
All sessions are confidential, following the ethical code.
Q6 I’m not happy with my life but I don’t know what I need to be coached on.
You don’t need to worry.
From the intake session, I can spot your desires and obstacles, and why you don’t recognize them. Also, by voicing your feelings, you’ll find your own purpose.
Q7 Can I have a face-to-face session?
Sorry, every session is done by phone and you need to be at a place where you can concentrate on just yourself. A restaurant, coffee shop, or while you are driving, is not a good place.
Q8:What is an Archetype?
The word “archetype” originated in the Greek language and “arch” means original or beginning and “type” means pattern. Archetypes are causes of behaviors that create patterns. Say, you are an introvert or extrovert, scholar or artist, storyteller, or not good at making speeches. All of the archetypes are our sources of suffering and joy.
Q9:Is archetype something new?
We don’t hear the word archetype so much, but it seems to appear for the first time in Greek mythology. Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung proposed archetypes and dedicated his lifetime to studying it. He was called the Father of Archetypes.
Q10:What is the merit of knowing your own archetypes?
By knowing one’s own twelve natal archetypes, you’ll understand which archetype is causing your actions and thought patterns. By knowing your own archetypes you’ll find the cause of problems from the deepest part of you. Not only that, you’ll be able to find a way to change your behavior.
flowchart of coaching